35 years ago -
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35 years ago -

Dr. Carl Sagan's described the waffer thin sliver of atmosphere that determines our climate and how the study of neighboring planets informs about the greenhouse effect.

He describes the emerging crisis calling on Greek Myths to explain denial.


Copernicus Interactive Climate Atlas

"In total, the dataset used in the C3S Atlas includes 30 variables and indices.
E-OBS for gridded observations, ERA5 and ERA5-Land for global atmospheric and land reanalysis, ORAS5 for global ocean reanalysis, CMIP5 and CMIP6 for global climate projections, and CORDEX-EUR-11 and CORDEX-CORE for regional climate projections."

The weather term "atmospheric river" has been in the news lately, and I wondered if it's the same as the we see so much in Japan. This article from Scientific American, as translated into Japanese, says the AR or is what causes the to occur. Another source says they are basically the same phenomenon, which was only identified "in the early 2010s, after improved satellite imaging and science revealed how these storms can form far out over the remote ocean." (Stay safe, California.)

Plant trees and save the planet.

'While Assange is in court, the government will also be trying to remove a crucial legal defence for activists'

Erratic weather fueled by climate change will worsen locust outbreaks.

will pay states to install and
Deploying can make communities more resilient to consequences of .
The move helps communities prepare for another calamity by equipping them with tools that might the lights on when they would otherwise suffer a . It's also a way for the US to deploy technologies that cut and stave off worsening disasters like storms, , and .

Climate change, hunger and HIV are a triple threat to vulnerable African women

Had the window open all day. It's only just now become pleasantly cool, at around 8pm. For a while earlier it was a bit too warm.

It's February.

Pipe dream: you can reduce the use of fossil fuels without pricing carbon honestly.

Past and current plans are
half-assed and half-baked Dr. Hansen

STUDY: denial in the US.

14.8% of Americans do not believe in climate change. This denialism is highest in the central and southern U.S. However, it also persists in clusters within states (e.g., California) where belief in climate change is high. Political affiliation has the strongest correlation, followed by level of education, COVID-19 vaccination rates, carbon intensity of the regional economy, and income.

STUDY: The results revealed a growing number of publications providing evidence of the weakening of the food supply chain due to climate change and extreme weather events. A lack of knowledge about the effects of climate change on the food supply chain and the underlying socio-economic consequences could result in underperformance or failure of the food supply chain.

There's no . 2023 was the hottest year on record.

There's no . 2023 was the hottest year on record.

On-the-scene reporter jealousy levels of the weather person in front of the green screen rising

D'habitude elle fait des vidos sur la et l', l elle parle de , et de ce qui va arriver, elle fait un bon rsum de la situation actuelle tant de notre ct (les gens) que les . Le mot cl est

How does ocean alkalinity enhancement affect marine life Researchers are investigating this question in a multi-week experiment led by in the Kiel Fjord as part of the international project Ocean Alk-Align. The series of experiments is intended to shed light on the question if the addition of rock powder can help the to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and mitigate .

Turns out makes sense for absolutely no-one, not even the farmers

We *could* give the land back to nature (reforest! rewild! create sinks, beauty, , even tourism! )

Will we pursue a Or will we continue to subsidise this wasteful industry, degrading land & producing CO at taxpayers expense

A nightmare is that Donald really is Vladimir's greatest weapon and asset, and that NATO will dissolve once that thug becomes president. Hopefully that won't happen.

Nicobar islands is an island of India , which is in Danger because of government projects , leading to cutting of thousands of trees.

Also Auroville in India has been going through deforestation !

Microorganisms, are the most abundant species on our planet and include bacteria and viruses, yet they are seldom discussed in the context of , despite the fact they play a critical role in the maintenance of global ecosystems.

New York lobbyists aiding and abetting climate crisis, research reveals

... "The report analyzed the client rosters of six of the top lobbying firms in New York, revealing how the states cultural, business and educational leaders many of whom tout their commitment to slowing climate crisis are quietly linked to the fossil fuel industry."

Es gibt keine Winterpause mehr...

I know it's been a warm February, but today, i killed my first mosquito of the year!

Heres an interesting project, imagining a Forest City of the future in Gabon, Central Africa, a country rich for its forests, rivers and biodiversity.

Like all developing countries, their challenge is to decide whether they want to follow the principles of industrial cities or they want invent an ecological model that attracts talented people and inspires the world.

In this project, architecture practice Built by Associative Data, investigate how such a city might look and how it might function. They dive into the structure of the city, development patters, circular economy thinking, what a forest based economy may be like and much much more.

The city is designed to grow following natural principles developing a new type of linear branch city where all neighborhoods are adapted to their environment. The city would create mixed-use productive communities where people can live work and play in an environment connected to the world where nature will inspire new human habitat.

The Forest City Project faces the challenge of inventing how to inhabit the planet and making the fight against climate change a reality. Buildings will be built using local wood and they will be energy self-sufficient and will recycle their waters to produce food and vegetation.

While all this sounds great and looks amazing, I was left wondering if this was at all possible and would harvesting all these trees be a good idea This question was asked in a recent Can We Build a Better World with Wood There is a lively debate between advocates of logging for building and those opposed. Michael Ramage of Cambridge University explains how the development of Cross-Laminated Timber makes it possible to build pretty much any building with wood while Tim Searchinger of Princeton University argues that turning forests into construction material has a high carbon cost for the planet.

The outcome wasnt really clear. For me the answer was yes, but only if we do logging and forest management better. If we plant the right species, in the right way and harvest and replant in a more considered manner. There can absolutely be no logging of old growth forest. And this is probably not a panacea for all of our habitat needs.

What the Forest City does give us is another way we can think about our cities, that is more sustainable and more connected to the environment.

You want watch a short video on the project from one of the Architects

The architecture practice, Built by Associative Data, website is


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#Africa #Architecture #Biodiversity #climateChange #ClimateChange #Environment #ForestCity #forests #nature #OWGF #SolarPunk #Urbanism

Wie Unternehmen gegen grne Gesetze vorgehen:

"Was erhlt man, wenn man die reichsten 1% des Planeten, ein globales Rechtssystem, das ihren Renditeinteressen dient, und die Mglichkeit, Milliarden von Regierungen zu erpressen, kreuzt Die Antwort lautet: "Investor-State Dispute Settlements" oder , von J. Stiglitz kurz genannt."

deactivated tik but will post more here. so do u all feel it, we r mergin, punchin up, & overloadin, remember to ######

Record hot seawater killed more than three-quarters of human-cultivated coral that scientists had placed in the Florida Keys in recent years in an effort to prop up a threatened species thats highly vulnerable to , researchers discovered

New York lobbyists aiding and abetting climate crisis, research reveals

Lobbying firms work double-duty, representing political interests of victims and perpetrators of climate change in state capital

chocolate costing more

thats not the only thing menaced

: Heat pumps outsold gas furnaces again last year and the gap is growing

"Americans bought 21% more heat pumps in 2023 than the next-most popular heating appliance... The administration is galvanizing the move to . The Inflation Reduction Act incentivizes them with a 30% federal tax credit and federal rebates are expected to start rolling out this year."

"And when all is said and done, folks will say "wow! That happened fast" but it really didn't, it's just the inevitable end result of the small momentum that YOU can be a part of today. Join us."


Compost the rich What a wonderful idea!

Art by:

Good news

Article: Heat pumps outsold gas furnaces again last year and the gap is growing

What Said.

Giant Moray Eels resting in the waters of Hin Muang in the Andaman Sea. Your

sea thesmilingseahorse

Race to save 169-year-old obelisk left teetering on cliff edge by coastal erosion
By Josh Brine

The red and white obelisk is a must-see for visitors to the South Australian tourist town of Robe, but it's at risk of plunging into the water below.

Albertas Brutal Water Reckoning

Scientists who studied the regions arid past warned this drought was coming. Thirst for growth won out.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks