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2 billets blog ce jour:

1. Ajouts au travail sur Histoires et positions sur les STS et lactivisme

2. Notes de cours : Rfugies au 21e sicle --Quest ce Rfugies et confusion terminologique

Le temps de travail, la quantit et l'nergie aussi, sont de grande ampleur. Bnvolement.

Je serais ravi que cela amorce de discussions avec vous ici.

Il y aussi possibilit de faire des dons pour aider la continuit de mes efforts

Climate Change

Social injustice - those most responsible for the downfall of a hospitable planet are the most insulated - for now - from the dire impacts of

Worldwide temperature departures from normal - a snapshot:

Costly gas separation may not be needed to recycle CO2 from air and industrial plants

A surge of attacks on ships traveling the waters of the Red Sea is forcing shippers to reroute their vessels, sending them on longer journeys that drive up their carbon dioxide emissions.

After catastrophic floods, Vermont becomes first state to enact law requiring oil companies to pay for damage from climate change

And this is just a glimpse into what climate change will mean for northern (and other densly populated regions).

From PNAS study "Greatly enhanced risk to humans as a consequence of empirically determined lower moist heat stress tolerance" from 2023


In this year, has become and yet people vote in elections for reality deniers!!

Isn't it indicative of stupidity and all the negative characteristics of humanity

Interesting resource here to see how your MP has voted on motions related to climate change.

Sad to see that the 11 votes that John Lamont attended he abstained once and voted against positive climate action 10 times.

Don't vote Conservative if you care about climate...

VoteClimate: Find Your Constituency

The Collapse Is Coming

"technology is not going to save us, real or imaginary. We have to change our behavior. If we change our behavior, we have sufficient technology to save ourselves. If we dont change our behavior, we are unlikely to come up with a magical technological fix to compensate for our bad behavior.

Fossil fanatism.

COP29 host Azerbaijan says its oil and gas is gift from God with plans to increase production

You allow the fossil industry at the negotiation table, this is what you get.


says their "number one mission" will be to "create wealth".

So telling you that all the status quo systems and ideas will continue as they are. Even as the planet and its ecosystems are collapsing because of them.

I've even just heard use the "get back to work" line.

We get no choice of change.

No Tory MPs voted positively on climate issues since party took power, study finds

Labour and Liberal Democrats dominated list of MPs who were rated as very good in backing environmental policies
One suspects the greens would have done too

Die Pegel steigen! Der Pegel berschreitet heute am Vormittag die Meldestufe 2 und geht auf 3. Mit einem weiteren Anstieg deutlich ber Meldestufe 4 am Sonntag muss gerechnet werden. Nach derzeitiger Datenlage kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass die Spitzenabflsse noch ber den Hochwassern vom April 1994 und dem Pfingsthochwasser von 1999 liegen, so das hiesige Wasserwirtschaftsamt. Es gibt eine deutliche Warnung fr alle bebauten Gebiete.

As for this...

... it is a practical situation because I need to get across the country to speak to as many people as possible, and when time is tight we need to do it as efficiently as possible.

Come on now. Do you not think every other person flying around in a private jet believes theirs is a "practical situation"

Starmer zooming around in a private jet. Could have been on the right side of history and differentiated himself from Sunak by just... not doing that. But no, this is what we get.

& I'm pretty sure the blithe mention of "carbon offsetting" means he's profoundly unrealistic about climate change science. Not a good sign.

Falls wer fragt, wo das Wasser herkommt, das gerade die Autos aus den Straen splt. Hier 2 verschiedene Satellitenaufnahmen vom selben Gebiet. Das eine Bild zeigt sind die Meeresoberflchentemperaturabweichungen, das Wetter in der Luft darber.

Dazu noch etwas Physik. Bei einer Erhhung der Temperatur um 1C speichert Luft 7% mehr Feuchtigkeit. Aber es verdunstet nur 3% mehr, bei 1C Erhhung. Es dauert lnger bis die Luft gesttigt ist aber die trgt dann viel mehr Wasser.

Postdoctoral research position on monitoring and evaluating climate change adaptation in critical infrastructure sectors

at the Concordia Climate Change Adaptation Lab

Article series about the impact on in a world with

So true

Article link for your ease of reference :

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This is unbelievably amazing: Vermont will require fossil fuel companies to pay for their change damages!

This landmark law quantifies damages stemming from fossil fuel extraction or refinement.

Damages normally never costing fossil fuel companies human health, resources, agriculture, economic development, housing that we all pay for, would be paid fossil fuel companies.

Maryland, Massachusetts & NY are considering similar laws too!

My home course in 2024!

01.06.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Vermont became the first state to hold oil companies financially liable for climate damages.

The Climate Superfund Act directs the state to charge major fossil fuel companies potentially billions of dollars to pay for climate impacts to which their emissions have contributed.

Unsurprisingly, the law is expected to face legal challenges from the industry.

Over 30, including 21 officials on poll duty, dead in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar amid heatwave

Eighteen deaths were reported from Bihar, while 13 fatalities took place in Uttar Pradesh.

New on our blog!

Racialised Climate Justice

Tropical 2m surface temperature
#Collapse #GlobalWarming #ClimateChange

This is a lesson on how NOT to fight disinformation - create a watchdog that might eventually, reluctantly investigate after quite big public pressure, and then refuses to actually release the findings, and of course little to no punishments for the offenders, because basically they are the government

Vermont becomes the first US state to pass a law requiring Big Oil to pay for climate damage Electrek

Giant ringtail possums, marsupial lions, monster koalas: Fossils reveal creatures that once roamed central Queensland
By Freya Jetson

The fossils of prehistoric megafauna, which have been perfectly preserved for hundreds of thousands of years, give Queensland scientists an insight into Australia's past.

As South Asia bakes under a blistering heat wave, life-or-death decisions arrive with the midday sun.

US wind and solar generation provided $249 billion in climate and air quality health benefits from 20192022: Study

My latest article for Forbes just went live*

It's a good one, IMHO. All about some transformative new approaches to producing cement that could slash carbon emissions

(* at 8pm NY time on the last day of the month - why, yes, May HAS been exceptionally busy. Why do you ask!!)

"Vermont has become the first state to enact a law requiring fossil fuel companies to pay a share of the damage caused by climate change after the state suffered catastrophic summer flooding and damage from other extreme weather"

What a lovely video, a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day. Thanks for the chat with Adam,

On coping as the world's best known climate scientist, with Katharine Hayhoe

01.06.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Young passengers can travel free on Amtrak trains and buses between Bellingham and Vancouver, Washington, thanks to fees paid by major polluters in the state.

I guess the same outlet denying and is also denying

Don't worry, folkes. We'll return to a normal news cycle soon.

Termination shock: cut in ship pollution sparked global heating spurt

Sudden cut in pollution in 2020 meant less shade from sun and was substantial factor in record surface temperatures in 2023, study finds

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks