19 years since Paris, 26 since
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19 years since Paris, 26 since Kyoto, 35 since James Hansen's statement to the U.S. Congress, 44 since the 1979 Charney report and 58 years since the first official environmental report to reach the White House. And here we are still!

Illegal Logging in the Rainforest

comedian translates professor
Half the world is a bonfire the other half is flooded

COP28 concludes with a commitment to reduce fossil fuels but lacking financial strategies

Earth had its warmest November on record.

The average global land and ocean surface temperature for November 2023 was 2.59F (1.44C) above the 20th-century average of 55.2F (12.9C).

A map of the world plotted with some of the most significant climate events that occurred during November 2023.

.. why is it that it was not the US, Germany or South Africa to first commercialize PBRs, but relative newcomer China



We have obvious data about the present, in 2023's climate records and the IEA energy reports e.g. record coal use.*

The future, laid out in the COP28 "Outcome of the first global stocktake"** and the licensing and production plans of Big Oil and the petro-States, is one of FF use at present levels for decades.*

IPCC reports and most large scale climate models show ca. +2.7C in 2100. However the media continually report climate change "faster than expected", because the models don't handle non-linearity well, and only "reasonable", almost linear, scenario results ever make it into print.

Shouldn't we take a more realistic view, and consider what the tipping point cascade will actually mean With all ice melting, permafrost and clathrate methane released, soil destroyed and ubiquitous droughts, wildfires and extinctions

Where will the climate stabilise Late Eocene, pre-Antarctic glaciation +4C The Paleocene/Eocene average around +8C The PETM +12C What will our descendants have to cope with

It took 10's of millions of years to get where we are from those times, but given the rate of warming, and our actions to accelerate it, how long will it take


* is posting several useful links ref these atm.

November 2023 was by far the warmest on record, ahead of 2015, 2020, 2021, and 2019:
0.76C above the already warmed 1991-2020 average.
Forget about JMA's red 'trendline' there. We left that a while ago.

Quel est le vrai cot d'un trajet en voiture

Not looking good for drought relief

Now 60% below US production cost. (I wonder if Big Oil and the petro-States ever meet up and agree they need more money and energy from FF because they can't compete)

Also, we can't let them have our high-technology, but...

24 Hours of Reality: On the Ground at COP 28 The

Statt Klimagipfel mal wieder Gipfel der Frechheit

oder auch

Wenn COP zu COPD (Chronic Obstructive Political Disease) wird

Einen beruhigenden Kruteraufguss ausgeben: bzw.

Global consumption of coal reached an all-time high in 2023, the IEA energy watchdog has said, as Earth experienced its hottest recorded year.

Climate Change

A Massive Develops over , Spreading Significant Warmth over the Continent

This weekend, a large blocking pattern developed across western and southern Europe, resulting in a significantly warmer and much drier air mass. Temperature is forecast to be much higher again, especially in elevated areas, while strong temperature inversion will engulf the lowlands.


Southeast Asian and Japanese leaders will commit to strengthening "maritime security cooperation" and deeper ties in the energy sector during a summit in Tokyo starting Saturday.

I pretty much eat a plant-based diet, but I dont make a big deal of it.
If I go out to someones house for dinner and they serve me meat. Ill eat it without complaint. after all, I dont want to be a dick about it.

Well, no more.

Starting next year, that will no longer be the case. I will consider my vegetarianism a form of education, a form of compassionate activism


For weekend readers, my summary of this year's blog posts, including stuff on , , and, of course, , and more. Enjoy!

driving gases will still be released. How this great victory for the status quo was achieved, or:

How the world's first deal to ditch fossil fuels was forged at

Centralized, decentralized, distributed, hybrid / systems to address , , patterns and . No one shoe to fit each and every instance.

Centralized, decentralized, distributed, hybrid / systems to address , , patterns and . No one shoe to fit each and every instance.

Google Taps Hot to Cool : Sci Am

lost an entire . Then found it. : Misc

Examining 's potential impact on : BBC

Check our latest

from ultra moderate mainstream net-zero scientist known for downplay
To transition away from fossil fuels was weak tea at best. Its like promising your doctor that you will transition away from doughnuts after being diagnosed with diabetes.
the abject failure we all expected

West Coast Groundfish Fisheries May See Large-Scale Climate Effects

"The changes in Alaska are already extreme. ...As times go on, West Coast groundfish fisheries may also shift, according to NOAA."

The Maritime Executive

China solar panel costs drop 42% from year ago - report

> China's cost to produce solar panels has plummeted 42% in the last year, according to a report published on Thursday, giving manufacturers there an enormous advantage over rivals in places like the United States and Europe.

What Do We Want ! When do we want it Now! - International

To save the climate, change the game for petrostates #carboncaptureandstorage(CSS) #Corporateresponsibility #Remediesandcommitments #Aidanddevelopment #Decarbonization #Carboncapture #Climatechange #Fossilfuels #Investment #Technology #Emissions #Hydrogen #Industry #Netzero #Opinion #Energy #COP28 #Coal #Gas #OilWorlds cartoonists on this weeks events #U.S.presidentialcampaigns #U.S.election2024 #Climatechange #WarinUkraine #Military #Politics #COP28 #War

Will it snow this Christmas

What did "privileged experts" said about the outcome of COP28. Documents mean nothing. Actions do. Experts at odds over result of UN climate talks in Dubai 'Historic,' 'pipsqueak' or something else

Climate change is killing coral can AI help protect the reefs

The climate summit failed to deliver a clear commitment to phase out , leaving loopholes for countries to continue using them and hindering the transition to clean energy.

It's common sense, right If you want to be a leader, stop polluting first. The role model can't shit everywhere and call others out at the same time. The U.S. Cannot Be a Climate Leader and the Worlds Largest Oil and Gas Producer

No one needs to protest when we stop using fossil fuels. Just Stop Oil activist jailed for six months for taking part in slow march

How to provide reliable water in a warming world these cities are testing small-scale treatment systems and wastewater recycling

Green hydrogen could make Minnesota a leader in climate-friendly steel  Energy News Network

Week 223 of fasting and striking from working and shopping once a week for the climate.


The man caught at the center of Californias water wars

Adel Hagekhalil, Mets general manager, has a vision for solving Californias intractable water problems.

'Beneath Svalbard's permafrost, millions of cubic meters of methane are trappedand scientists have now learned that it can migrate beneath the cold seal of the permafrost and escape. A large-scale escape could create a cycle of warming that would send methane emissions skyrocketing: warming thaws the permafrost, causing more gas to escape, allowing more permafrost to thaw and more gas to be released.'

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks