: Weve always known that carbon
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: Weve always known that carbon capture & storage, let alone utilisation, is a sticking-plaster that the UK government has been hoodwinked into backing with big commitments that amount to . This report confirms that their commitment to CCUS is misguided. Id add driven by a warped political perspective.

Now can we focus on energy efficiency/ demand reduction, renewables and slamming on the emergency brake by encouraging dietary change

Climate Change

Who are the New Extremists

#extinction #rebellion #xr #rebelforlife #climate #climatechange

unpredictable seasons will make every activity more difficult. More seriously, farming needs predictability in seasons.

Electronic advertising is a climate crime that makes our public spaces more hostile

The giant screen at Euston Station boasts of saving energy, while using more electricity than the average street, just to serve us adverts we didn't consent to see

The mess we have made in tech

The last 40 years of technological development and its impact on society, coupled with the growing urgency of addressing , highlight the need to fundamentally change the way we approach technology. Here are some key points:

  1. Environmental Impact: The rapid growth of technology over the past few decades has come with a significant environmental cost. From the production and disposal of electronic devices to the energy consumption of data centers and digital infrastructure, the tech industry has contributed to greenhouse gas emissions, resource depletion, and environmental degradation. As we face the reality of , theres a pressing need to develop and adopt technologies that minimize harm to the planet.
  2. Social Inequality: While technology has the potential to connect people and empower communities, our embrace of the has exacerbated social inequalities. Access to digital technologies, information, and opportunities, widening the gap between the privileged and marginalized. Moreover, tech platforms have been criticized for perpetuating discrimination, bias, and exclusion, further entrenching systemic injustices. Addressing these issues requires building native technology that prioritizes equity, inclusivity, and social justice.
  3. Corporate Control and Surveillance: The dominance of large tech corporations raised concerns about corporate power. These companies wield immense influence over digital ecosystems, shaping the flow of information, controlling social access to platforms, and monetizing peoples data and metadata. To counteract corporate control and protect the , theres a need for decentralized, community-driven alternatives that prioritize people and community.
  4. Innovation and Collaboration: The current paradigm of technological development prioritizes profit-driven innovation over basic social and environmental responsibility. This mindset stifles collaboration, stifles open innovation, and limits the potential for collective problem-solving. To address complex challenges like , we need to foster a #4opens culture of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and open-source development. By democratizing access to technology and promoting participatory design processes, we can harness the collective intelligence and creativity of diverse communities to drive positive change.
  5. Political and Cultural Shifts: The intersection of technology, politics, and culture shapes societal norms, values, and behaviours. Over the past few years, weve seen a growing awareness of the political implications of technology, from concerns about online disinformation and algorithmic bias to debates over platform governance and digital rights. As grassroots movements like Extinction Rebellion () mobilize to address , theres an opportunity to leverage technology as a tool for social and environmental activism. By challenging mainstream narratives, engaging in grassroots organizing, and amplifying community based voices, we can harness technology to advance progressive causes and catalyse the needed systemic change and challenge.

In summary, the challenges posed by necessitate a radical reimagining of technology and its role in society. By prioritizing sustainability, equity, collaboration, and activism, we can build a resilient and inclusive future that serves the needs of people and the planet. This shift requires challenging entrenched power dynamics, confronting corporate interests, and mobilizing collective action to create a more just and sustainable world.

#4opens #climatechange #climatechaos #dotcons #openweb #XR


It is common for developers of offsetting projects to forcefully assert local communities and Indigenous peoples are the main beneficiaries of their initiatives yet these claims are usually unverifiable given the secrecy reigning over projects revenues and expenses..."

Kresel snma hzla ilerliyor ve insan aktiviteleri bu sreci hzlandryor. Bilim insanlar uyaryor ancak birok insan bu konuda duyarsz. Daha fazla aba harcamalyz! Endieliyim.

Kresel snma ciddi bir sorun ve herkesin bu konuda bilinlenmesi nemli. Bilimsel verileri dikkate almal ve harekete gemeliyiz. evremizi korumak ve geleceimizi gvence altna almak iin imdi harekete gemeliyiz.

Is it not en vogue interesting

There's talk of presenting an extinction level threat.

What role will you play in the face of level .

The goal of life is living in agreement with nature.

Study "Sustainable Finance: Major Issues in ESG and SR Investing" at London School of Finance and Law!

Learn about green finance as an emerging asset class and the regulatory framework of sustainable finance.

More about the course:

Next term start date: 20 May

LSFLProfDev LSFL4Future

My mood photo of today has left me melancoly. The photo is timeless and a reminder that such visions will continue to be seen by future generations of whatever animals inhabit the world long after we're gone and whatever humankind inflicts on this gorgeous planet. If this doesn't inspire you more than a cityscape, then you've missed something important.

Donate via ActBlue

"It's an evidence- and reason-based wrecking ball that smashes the government's talking points and policies with respect to renewables."

Intergenerational altruism and climate policy preferences

The authors present "both a novel measurement strategy and robust evidence of a malleable moral basis of climate policy preferences."


Jerome Powell just revealed a hidden reason why inflation is staying high: The economy is increasingly uninsurable

Forest disturbance characterization in the era of earth observation big data: A mapping review

Review of 104 publications that characterized forest disturbances.

Giorgia Melonis plan to run Europe and befriend Donald Trump #EuropeanParliamentelection2024 #U.S.election2024 #Italianpolitics #Climatechange #Migration #Farright #Politics

oh, sinuses

your pipes, your pipes aren't flowin'

from end to end, no snot is goin' for a ride

oh, sinuses

fresh flowers in yon meadows

have plugged you up

i feel your pain

kept stuffed inside...

Natures : the disturbing science of

An emerging field studies parasites that take over the nervous system of a host.

April 22, 2023

Beneath the silicon, the petroleum (always)

But hey, some species will evolve. I really wish HUMANS were one of them. Evolve, dammit! Re/evolution!

Health experts at SXSW warn of possible untreatable outbreak

Story by Anna Giaritell

" and warming global temperatures have forced to evolve and, with that, spread into locations they have never before been found, increasing the risk to the public, the experts told attendees at a panel discussion.

"'Fungi are inextricably linked to the environment. They live out there,' said Dr. Tom Chiller, chief of the Mycotic Diseases Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, during the discussion. 'So when the environment changes, when climate change causes these environmental changes and fungi have to adapt, they're going to compete, they're going to try to be the best, they're going to try to tolerate higher temperatures.'"

Yup. Seeing that first-hand in my own backyard. Found our first tick already. Bees are out way too early. Not good...

Spring is here very early. Thats not good.

Winters insanely early end, explained in one map.

By Li Zhoulivox.com Mar 12, 2024

"These developments are part and parcel with the Earth getting hotter overall: per the European Unions Copernicus Service, 2023 was the hottest year on record and the first time the globe surpassed 1.5 degrees Celsius of average planetary warming since the start of the .

"All this has led to winters getting shorter and appearing decidedly different than they have in years past. As Voxs Anna North has explained, such changes are jarring emotionally, deeply consequential for the , and economically taxing for places that rely on cold-weather activities such as skiing and snowboarding. Shorter, warmer winters are poised to have a host of impacts including throwing off animals schedules for hibernation and reducing the size of snowpacks in different places, curbing their water supply.

"The factors behind this years abridged winter

As the planet warms up and temperatures increase, the seasonal window for cold weather gets shorter and shorter. That means the onset of what we think of as spring ... gets earlier and earlier,' University of Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael Mann tells Vox. Plant-flowering, tree-leafing, and egg-hatching are all markers associated with spring that now happen sooner, Mann notes."

I forget, is "trillions" a big number

How many times has Greta Thunberg been arrested and released And how many more idiots are gonna arrest her

"We now think that we have the technology to buildings (and there are a lot of buildings. It's a huge challenge) but at least we have the technology."


Anti-science rhetoric from Dutton when it doesnt suit his agenda. Why am I not surprised.
CSIRO chief warns against disparaging science after Peter Dutton criticises nuclear energy costings


"ClimateEngine.org empowers non-commercial users of all technical proficiencies to harness the power of cloud computing to analyze decades of Earth Observations data. Started through the White House Climate Data Initiative and a Google Faculty Research award, ClimateEngine.org now plays an essential role in Earth science research and government agency decision-support and is relied upon by thousands of users each month."


I can not fault them. They are worried about the future.

Surging demand from data centres and EVs who could have foreseen that continuing growth would make it harder to prevent climate change

The chief concern of the Riverside researchers is that the rapid advance of generative , which is being commercialized with billions in new investment, will become ever thirstier even as -induced makes resources ever scarcer
It is not immediately apparent to us what is happening out there, far away and unseen behind the computer screen

As World Saw Hottest Year on Record, Corporate News Cut Coverage

"despite the worsening global crisis, the US TV networks collectively had just 1,032 minutes of coverage, down from 1,374 minutes in 2022"

Z At the top of the hour it's Radio Ecoshock Presented by Alex Smith. A weekly program about the Latest , authors, issues - from , oceans, forests, , solar storms, the , and .

Sabine Hossenfelder - "Climate Engineering is a bad idea, but we'll do it anyway" -

From 14 Mar: Richest 1% emit as much planet-heating pollution as two-thirds of humanity Oxfam -

Thanks, !
"The funds . . . can be used for and projects ranging from relocation efforts to management and , according to the Interior Department."

Crocuses (or would the plural be croci) are sprouting in eastern in mid-March. This is crazy! I also saw a wasp and a butterfly today.

A big boost to s goals
A new called Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism () will assist Europe's ambition to become . The bloc will charge companies that import the targeted products, , , , , , and into the EU, no matter where in the world those products are made. Beginning in 2026, theyll have to pay a esentially a in the bloc.

As World Saw Hottest Year on Record, Corporate News Cut Coverage.

"We need more climate journalism, not less," said one Media Matters for America writer.

Sabine Hossenfelder - We Need to Start Climate Engineering Soon, New Study Says

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks