: Today's North Atlantic Sea Surface
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: Today's North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly is 1.17C above the 1982-2011 mean.

Data source:

Plant trees and save the planet.

Chemical analysis of natural CO rise over the last 50,000 years shows that today's rate is 10 times faster

Today's rate of atmospheric carbon dioxide increase is 10 times faster than at any other point in the past 50,000 years, researchers have found through a detailed chemical analysis of ancient Antarctic ice.

How much more evidence do we need

Rising and Worsen Spread of

Miles of seawater are flowing under Thwaites Glacier, undermining an Antarctic ice sheet and threatening rapid sea level rise...

Nice website with tons of data on the state of glaciers in Switzerland.

"Glacier Monitoring in Switzerland (GLAMOS) systematically documents and monitors long-term glacier changes in the Swiss Alps."

Tim Harford: Fossil fuels could have been left in the dust 25 years ago

Moore's law vs Wright's law

Climate change spurs early blooms in Bulgarias historic rose industry

Why a new ruling on the law of the sea and climate change matters for Australia and especially our island neighbours

emerges as a significant exacerbating factor, threatening one third of the assessed ."

Free-forming organelles help plants adapt to climate change

Scientists have discovered how free-forming organelles in plant cells, known as photobodies, help plants sense light and temperature. Researchers revealed these structures are crucial for plants' adaptation to climate change. This breakthrough could inform strategies for enhancing crop resilience in a warming world.

via UC Riverside

Heavy water: how melting ice sheets and pumped groundwater can lower local sea levels  and boost them elsewhere

Join our room for discussions on a free & better planet.

Gift link from Washington Post: Alaskan rivers are turning orange. Climate change could be to blame.

'Winter washout': Extreme rainfall expected to knock nearly 1bn off arable farm revenues

Analysis claims autumn and winter rainfall was made 15 per cent heavier by , leading to reduced revenue from key arable crops

Multiple cities across central close to breaching 50C/122F

In this report, you can see a meteorologist being apologetic about , trying to justify these high readings

Over a decade of rising temps & media coverage has led even locals to believe such highs are routine


Humans have NEVER settled cities in such hostile environs if it was the norm these cities wdn't have been founded

AI is an energy hog. This is what it means for climate change.
How worried should we be about AIs effects on the grid

24.05.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Atlantic to get 'extraordinary' hurricane season

The North Atlantic could get as many as seven major of category three strength or over this year, which would be more than double the usual number, the US weather agency NOAA has warned.

The recent weakening of the weather pattern and the likely switch to La Nia conditions later in the year creates more favourable atmospheric conditions for these storms in the Atlantic.

categories only take into account wind speeds. But these pose other major hazards, such as rainfall and coastal , which are generally worsening with , NOAA warned.

As stated above, has been facing multiple ongoing

's ministry just warned about them in detail, with respect to the country.

At least three heatwaves, and risks of melting glaciers causing (Glacial Lake Outburst Flood) and of

This is from just ONE country in South Asia and SEA, home to 230 million souls.

UK beats emissions target, refuses to roll over surplus

The UK has beaten its legally binding carbon emissions target and has announced it will not roll over the surplus to its next carbon budget.

The country overachieved the legally binding target for carbon emissions under its 2018 2022 Carbon Budget 3 by 15%.

Rising and Worsen Spread of

Et les Pyrnes-Orientales, toujours dans le rouge

On nen sortira plus


Climate disasters all over the globe... Meanwhile, in Australia.

*- Australias subsidies to fossil fuel producers and major users from all governments totalled $14.5 billion in 2023-24, the equivalent of $27,581 for every minute of every day, or $540 for every person in Australia.*
*- ****2023-24 saw a 31% increase in fossil fuel subsidies**** to $14.5 billion, from the $11.1 billion recorded in 2022-23, driven by large increases to diesel and aviation fuel tax breaks.*
*- Total fossil fuel subsidies over the forward estimates from all governments has reached $65 billion, or 16 times the balance of Australias Disaster Ready Fund (as of December 2023).*

Unprecedented 700-year drought hits s Cerrado biome, says study.
s impact is severe in the region, with temperatures rising 1C above the global average of 1.5C. This leads to rapid evaporation, altering rainfall patterns, and threatening the So Francisco river basin.

Data from stalagmites and records reveal the is linked to human-induced temperature rise and greenhouse gas emissions.

AI is an energy hog. This is what it means for climate change.

How worried should we be about AIs effects on the grid

Cement recycling method could help solve one of the worlds biggest challenges. Making concrete produces "7.5% of total anthropogenic CO emissions". Now scaling up in tests. Next: diffusion of innovation from UK to the world. How fast can industry change to make zero carbon concrete


Sites with material more vulnerable due to

Active and idle laboratories and manufacturing and military facilities that use, store or are contaminated with radioactive material are increasingly vulnerable to .

Re: Greenfield - Saw footage of that storm's destruction on the Chicago news and it broke my heart. Small towns with limited resources are getting hammered this spring.

Trust in climate science and climate scientists: A narrative review

The authors narratively review three topics of relevance to climate science and climate scientists: 1) The current state of trust 2) Reasons for distrust 3) How political engagement affects trust. We then draw on insights from communication and behavioral science to recommend how climate change communicators can become more trustworthy.


People sleep on the Yamuna river bed under a bridge on a hot summer day in New Delhi, India. REUTERS/Adnan Abidi

Super proud this is happening. I applied and joined the city commission in 2018 and got the climate action plan approved my first year there. Worked it for two years before concluding we needed funding and full time staff to make it happen.

Why Green Energy Wont Help Stop

> Not only has increased the burning of fossil fuels, wind energy, solar energy, biomass, and hydro powerwhen produced at an industrial scaleare all extremely damaging to humans and the environment. They require the massive theft of land (usually the land of Indigenous people and poor people), the destruction of rivers and forests..

There are wind turbines in this picture
Anti-renewable voices will say:

- they destroy the view (how many can you see here)

- they kill whales (disproven by recent research)

- rescue operations will be hindered (the UK has not had any rescue related issues with their offshore Wind farms).

A woman, leaning out of a train window, receives water on her head to cool off during a hot and humid day at the Hyderabad Railway Station in , Pakistan. REUTERS/Yasir Rajput

The sea is hot and angry, friends. Storms are coming. Now's the time to upgrade your resilience plans.

Sometimes I say I fight . Other times I just say I fight bad decisions

We need help. I live in Canoas, Mathias Velho neighborhood/Rio Grande do Sul, my family and I lost everything in the flood..... My father and I were rescued from the roof of our house, my other dog was left behind and He was rescued and is now in another city. Any amount helps, please share!!

This is my PayPal


everything is fine

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Global Warming sucks