" seeing surge of climate-related power
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" seeing surge of climate-related power outages, report says

Power in the US are surging, as climate-related strain an already burdened energy .

Over the last decade, severe outages increased by 74% compared with the previous 10 years.

High , , winter storms and tropical including , accounted for 80% of all power interruptions over the last 20 years, a new report from non-profit research group Climate Central shows."

I am looking for good examples of contributing to in , , or (yep, the big 3!).
I am also interested in examples where it contributed to helping . Any help appreciated!

Climate Change

via Professor Eliot Jacobson

Dutkiewicz et al. Ocean colour signature of climate change. Nat Commun 10, 578 (2019)

"In the MIT study, researchers created a model using satellite imagery to predict how a 3C (5.4F) increase in global temperatures will impact the worlds oceans, specifically with regard to the growth and interaction of different types of phytoplankton species."

EV sales in Canada rose in recent years despite higher interest rates. Why
Electric vehicle registrations rose in recent years despite interest rates also rising. Experts caution Canada's transition to EVs could still be challenging.

EV sales in Canada rose in recent years despite higher interest rates. Why
Electric vehicle registrations rose in recent years despite interest rates also rising. Experts caution Canada's transition to EVs could still be challenging.

EV sales in Canada rose in recent years despite higher interest rates. Why
Electric vehicle registrations rose in recent years despite interest rates also rising. Experts caution Canada's transition to EVs could still be challenging.

I went to a local climate assembly meeting last night. Like similar events Ive been to, I came away reflecting on the fact that we vegans are pushing on locked doors behind which the rooms are full of people with their fingers stuck in their ears & who are covering their eyes so they cant see the billions of sentient beings being harmed in a food production system that is a major contributor to .

New paper in Ecography using mediated data:

risk of the currently in southern is predicted to decline under



EV sales in Canada rose in recent years despite higher interest rates. Why
Electric vehicle registrations rose in recent years despite interest rates also rising. Experts caution Canada's transition to EVs could still be challenging.

Retired UK GP suspended for five months after climate protests

"The climate emergency is a health emergency not a potential future one, but here and now. If I know all this and I choose to stay quiet, I am failing in my obligations."

Shameful decision.

"Europe is the fastest-warming continent, at nearly twice the average global rate, report says"

Travelled to Portugal by and mentioning it to people (unobnoxiously) hoping to make a difference, but surrounded by thousands of tourists who I just know will just not consider doing the same (do they silently judge me crazy, even). Sad drop in the bucket.

You're not helping, Ryanair.

E-bikes are readily available means to decarbonise transport, says study calling for support. See the added number crunching at the end on cost to charge an e-bike versus EV car a huge gap. Exponentially bad for the wallet to not ride, really:

In Vietnam, farmers reduce methane emissions by changing how they grow rice

BCG expects AI consulting to contribute to 20% of its 2024 revenue, targeting 40% by 2026. Partnering with tech giants and training executives in AI showcases the firm's commitment to integrating AI at scale. Despite the AI boom, advising on climate change and sustainability remains a priority for BCG.

Of course, it has. How could it be otherwise

is weird here in north at the moment. Much colder than usual for the time of year, so that centralised apartment heating systems have been switched back on.

Quilombola community, descendants of Afro-Brazilian slaves whose rights to their land and way of life are protected under Brazilian law.

Theur fight against a UK-owned mining company is berfore a top court in London.

Brazil Iron, a self-described "sustainable" mining company, is accused of damaging the environment, health, crops and water supplies of local communities near its Brazilian mine.

Greek skies turn orange as dust clouds roll in from Sahara Desert

Video footage shows skies over southern Greece turning an orange hue as dust clouds blown from North Africa engulf the Acropolis and other landmarks in Athens.

I'm afraid that selfishness, ignorance and incompetence to change behavioral patterns will cause humanity to postpone radical action until disaster and war will solve the crisis we're causing, decimating humanity, flora and fauna. It's a dire prediction, but at the moment I can't see a different outcome. Apparently, the shit needs to hit the fan before humans wake up too late.

our main huge river system, its ecology, health and flow (the Murray- Darling) is in crisis. Due to extraction by agriculture and all forms of mining, including fossil fuel extraction. So is the huge artesian basin for the same reasons. The fact that is a water poor count is just one of the myriad reasons why nuclear power a terrible idea.

Anjana Ahuja quite correct here, we should try to reduce emissions as much as possible. But we're also going to need to learn to adapt to

Beware the pragmatism of the nonchalant hot earthers - via FT

Woodside shareholders unlikely to back climate action plan, company bosses warn
By Keane Bourke

Woodside is being forced to defend its climate transition plan, with the gas giant's bosses saying it's unlikely to win the support of its own shareholders.

Tutto molto intelligente ci che scritto nell'articolo. Che parte dal presupposto che le persone siano razionali e abbiano un orizzonte temporale pi lungo delle vacanze estive. La crisi climatica ci sta rendendo tutti pi poveri, ma continuiamo a far finta di nulla

Peter Dutton continues to spread toxic pro-nuclear lies constantly amplified by the Murdoch Press.

Despite staunch community opposition to radioactive waste dumps. And despite the big companies joining experts to oppose Dutton's plan for slow, expensive nuclear reactors which would delay the transition from polluting coal & gas to clean renewable energy.

Einstein survived times he would have been reminded of were he alive now.

Psychic distemper in the masses is how he described that eras gestalt.

Here we are again.

Who lives Who dies

And a planet at stake, not just a civilization or two.

It's true: it's a lifestyle that only a privileged few (well... privileged many in Canada) can do due to cost and access.

But this is fundamentally the same question as climate change and Gaza and Ukraine and any government program: shouldn't we be subsidizing the ethical choices

California's Nature-Based Climate Solutions

California has proposed comprehensive and science-driven nature-based solutions (NBS) climate targets. These solutions harness the power of nature to remove and store carbon from the atmosphere, buffer climate impacts, and build Californias resilience to future climate-driven extremes.


After the Hurricane: Climate change battering the poorest Dying Earth: E2

... "After the Hurricane explores how vulnerable populations in the developing world are suffering damaging outcomes in terms of health, food, water, education and much more."

19 min

Yesterdays damage.
Location: Osborne Road, Vic. 13minutes, 12kms from Daylesford.

Please write to
State Environment Minister
Federal environment minister.
Labor just reneged on strengthening environment law. Meanwhile states continue destroying environment her ministry is supposed to protect.
note the size of the logs, corpses of mature .
RIP mature forest & its endangered

Joe Biden marked Mondays Earth Day by announcing a $7 billion investment in solar energy projects nationwide, focusing on disadvantaged communities, and unveiling a week-long series of what the White House say will be historic climate actions.

These European countries could lose more than 30 days of comfortable weather a year by 2100.

Researchers at MIT have developed an innovative new way to measure real-life impact of global warming.

"A takeover is the biggest threat to the future of , according to a POLITICO survey of EU lawmakers. Members of the outgoing European Parliament who took part in the poll mentioned Europes rightward shift and the rise of populism as the biggest challenges facing the Continent.
and 's war on also ranked high, overshadowing traditional hot-button issues such as migration and the state of the economy"

Collapsing earth and vast chasms .

Climate change and human rights: how a landmark legal victory in Europe could affect NZ

Woodside Energy is bracing for an investor-led backlash of its climate credentials at its annual general meeting in Perth today, after several major shareholders disclosed they would vote against its emissions plans.

More than 2.4 billion workers will likely be exposed to excessive heat as part of their jobs -- a 65% increase since 2000.

WA's greenhouse gas emissions continue to climb above 2005 levels despite net zero pledge

> As Australia works towards net zero by 2050, the latest data shows WA, a state reliant on the resources sector for its economic prosperity, continues to struggle mightily in its efforts to decarbonise.


Words matter, "struggle mightly" should read "fails miserably", Shane on the journalist. You either reduce emissions, or you fail to reduce emsisions, increasing them and saying " aww shucks" doesn't cut it.

That said, I see nothing happening in Australia that indicates we've even started to accept the changes that will be needed (Degrowth), not doing so just means nature will decide, not that we can avoid it.

Shame on voters for not voting Green and for continuing to destroy the biosphere and helping make an unlivable planet.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks