- Scientific journal retracts article that
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- Scientific journal retracts article that claimed no evidence of climate crisis Climate crisis The Guardian -
From The Guardian Springer Nature said it had retracted the article, by four Italian physicists, after an internal investigation found the conclusions were not supported by available evidence or data provided by the authors.

The news reported from
- Springer Nature ha ritirato lo studio di quattro fisici italiani che negava gli impatti della crisi climatica -
From ValigiaBlu La decisione di ritirare lo studio arrivata dopo unindagine sollecitata da un'inchiesta di AFP , circa un anno fa. Springer Nature ha spiegato che, a seguito di un processo di revisione interna, ha rilevato che le conclusioni dello studio non erano supportate dalle evidenze disponibili o dai dati forniti dagli autori.

And the initial inqury by AFP

How are we gonna finance stopping First of all, dumb question, because priorities. You finance it any way you can. Take money from fossil fuel companies. They have armies of lawyers, governments have armies of soldiers, tanks and fighter jets. Fuck big oil.

But if you need a less rebellious answer, heres one: Take the money you plan to spend on just coping with NOT STOPPING climate change. Spend it on stopping it, and buy icecream for everybody with the money left over.

Bacteria that consume the greenhouse gas methane could slow the rate of global heating, according to a study out this week.

Utile per farsi unidea sulle acque di . Noto aspetti simili al dibattito sul
Si fa ancora fatica a trovare un equilibrio tra comprensibili reazioni emotive e fiducia nella scienza.

Plant trees and save the planet.

Just yesterday or the day before, I read a post where someone seemed downright desperate. This time about and . Because we KNOW what is happening to our world right now. It is no longer just climate-related, it is also very noticeable locally in the weather. Scientists have been warning us for decades, one alarming study after another.

And yet, as a collective, we are not ready and willing to face the impending problems with all our might.

We are like smokers who know that our favourite hobby is killing us, but we shrug our shoulders and stand outside the restaurant, happy that at least we got to spend another nice summer evening at 36C.

This seems very similar to me. Maximum cognitive dissonance. Maximum resistance to reality or problem solving.


Loretta Mickley ():

" affecting the succession of vegetation in an . ... If you burn, for example, the conifers in Sierra Nevada, you may not get conifers back. Its too dry and too warm during certain times of the year. That could be another source of into the . There is some concern that after the recent very large fires in the western U.S., ... given the changing climate, we wont see the same dense vegetation return"


"First, the in regions become more intense, and, because of the tremendous heat being generated, , which has stored carbon for thousands of years, can start to burn and contribute massive amounts of carbon to the air.
That carbon will take at least another 1,000 years to go back into the peat.

Second, in boreal regions, fires can thaw , beginning a cascade of microbial processes that may also generate "


On the two-way feedback vs :

"For Loretta Mickley ... the fires present a dual problem:
Not only are they a symptom of climate change becoming bigger, hotter, and more common in regions where they can affect large population centers but they also make the crisis worse. By burning vast layers of partially decomposed vegetable matter called , fires like those in release even more into the "

Le canal de Panama frapp par la scheresse, circulation restreinte pendant un an.

Deadly heat, once rare, is spreading. This summerwhich is likely to be the hottest in recorded historyBeijing warmed to a hundred and six degrees and Sardinia baked at a hundred and eighteen. For forty-four consecutive days, El Paso recorded temperatures of a hundred or more.

Women protect the world's forests

Centrales au charbon : un dcret relve le plafond d'mission de CO2 en vue de l'hiver prochain.

Mais jusqu'o s'arrteront ils

The Guardian reports that the carbon credit market is collapsing because it turns out a large portion of the schemes are scams. I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked!

Traffic jam: Drought-hit Panama Canal to restrict access for one year

>Panama is facing a biting drought, made worse by the warming phenomenon, which has forced canal administrators to restrict the waterway to ships with a maximum draft (water depth) of 13.11 meters (43 feet).

Latest Daily Average Atmospheric CO2

From Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii

Aug. 24, 2023 418.85 ppm

Up 2.31 ppm (0.55%) From

Aug. 24, 2022 416.54 ppm

Norways minister for agriculture and food, Geir Pollestad, said the aim is to always have a three-month worth of consumption in storage.

Pollestad said they must take into consideration the unthinkable happening. In a situation with extreme prices on the world market, it will still be possible to buy grain, but if we have done our job, we will not be so dependent on the highest bidder at auction. We can help keep prices down.

"Greenwashing garbage': Europe's Dirty
Dozen oil and gas companies produce only 0.3% renewable energy despite deceptive net zero pledges."

It all seems back-to-front to me. Protesters being criminalised when the fossil fuel fat-cats continue to grin and walk free for their crimes. Even to the point of being subsidised trillions to carry on doing it, as shareholders continue to sleep without conscience.

I stand in solidarity to those who are making the difference for much needed change of political attitudes and environmental laws.


Klimafakt : Kippunkte im Klimasystem sind Schwellenwerte, bei deren berschreitung sich das System drastisch und mglicherweise unumkehrbar verndert.
Medizinische Analogie: Metastasen sind der Punkt, an dem Krebszellen sich im Krper ausbreiten und die Behandlung komplizierter machen. Wie Kippunkte im Klima markieren sie einen kritischen Moment, der entscheidende und sofortige Manahmen erfordert.

: : its not all bad news Try to look on the bright side

heres to those who are blaming the current climate for increasing the prices of services that we used to consider vital to the well being of our countries

you aholes, the only climate you need to respond to is

Utilities are getting sued over wildfires. Whos bearing the cost
As power companies spend big on legal settlements and grid upgrades, customers are seeing higher prices.

Rishi Sunak is to become the first UK prime minister in a decade not to attend the UN's Sustainable Development Goal Summit, a move that is expected to draw strong criticism from environmental groups.

A body bag full of ice can save your life emergency department at Seattles Harborview Medical Center turned to body bags.

With 31 consecutive days > 110, Phoenix pavement reached 180. Water boils at 212.

Globally, instances of extreme humid heat have doubled in the past half century.

Incredible story in the New Yorker details how the body responds to heat. (May be free depends on how may NY stories youve read)

"The climate crisis calls for a radical rethink of our cushy, carbon-heavy lives and our collective willingness to make sacrifices for future generations."

and sadly, terribly, this is why it is unlikely that people will voluntarily choose it

A growing number of countries are considering introducing laws to make ecocide a crime.

UBC device uses wood dust to trap up to 99.9 per cent of microplastics in water (Score: 150+ in 5 hours)


The entire town of Hay River, Canada, has been asked to evacuate as wildfires threaten.

Canada's Northwest Territories evacuate 4,000-person town of Hay River, affecting mail service and essential service.

El canvi climtic podria portar onades de calor durant tot l'any :bd03:

"Caldria posar molt ms el focus en l'augment de les temperatures mnimes durant la nit que en les mximes dirnes, aquestes sn especialment perilloses per a la salut humana"

"s probable que les onades de calor severes i extremes puguin ocrrer en qualsevol moment de l'any, hi haur ms "perodes clids desestacionalitzats, fins i tot a l'hivern"

The climate ride. Our trajectory. Funny

I had to take my TARDIS blanket out because it's gotten so cold at night. What happened to summer!


India set to ban sugar exports for first time in 7 years The Daily Star

Lack of rain...

>India's absence from the world market would be likely to increase benchmark prices in New York and London that are already trading around multi-year highs, triggering fears of further inflation on global food markets.

Intro post! Hi all, my name is Janne, I'm an evolution and biodiversity researcher and first year PhD student in on split duties between the QLD Museum and Griffith University. I'm interested in the environmental drivers of biodiversity and niche evolution, and their interaction with climate.

Here's a nice lizard for y'all
Saltuarius swaini, Southern Leaf-Tailed Gecko

I'm thinking about the next U.S. election and how I can put it on my website. I think I've pretty much narrowed it down to this guy.

The world can't take another or . A non or needs to get elected. And the only guy like that running is . This guy needs to get into office stat.

What makes social movements successful

Heres where to focus energy:

-strategic use of nonviolent disruptive tactics more important than media coverage or having ambitious goals.

-69% say disruptive tactics are effective for issues (like climate change) that have high public awareness & support.

-ability to mobilise & scale quickly in response to external events

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks