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- Recent and potential future trends in vegetation changes in middle boreal peatlands: insights from Finland - Ph.D. Tiina Kolari, Geotop Research Centre, Universit du Qubec Montral, Canada - 15.10.2024, 4:00 - 5:00 pm, online - Public lecture series of the master's programme Climate Change Management and the bachelor's programme Climate Protection & Climate Adaptation - The Climate Talks take place Tuesdays at 4:00 pm (German time) and are broadcasted via Zoom - of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf

'Climate-wrecking' Blue hydrogen could be a disaster for Europe's decarbonisation, say environmental groups

Some lobbyists argue against any support for blue H2, while others suggest it could still play a role if strictly regulated

I wonder when we will realize that we have a climate emergency. When will it happen My bet: when it's irreversible.

Or is it already irreversible and we need to reach a point where we are on the verge of a civilizational collapse

US Meteorologist Says 'Very Little' Has Been Done to Stop Climate Change

I have been talking about this for 20 plus years, trying to alert people of what was coming, trying to advocate for climate action. Nothingor very little, has been done, US meteorologist John Morales, who went viral after choking up on air while discussing Hurricane Milton, said last week

Rural women are the frontline warriors against climate change

Rural women, including Indigenous women, find local solutions to minimise the devastation caused by climate change

... es knnte schlimmer kommen, - und es kam schlimmer.
Wer glaubt es gibt noch etwas zu retten, mu schon auf Gott vertrauen, denn die Wissenschaft belehrt uns tglich eines besseren.

How Climate Disasters Are Making Mobile Homes a Huge Risk

Millions of Americans, many poor and vulnerable, live in mobile and manufactured homes. When catastrophe strikes, theyre often on their own

SAs decarbonisation efforts fall short amid rising climate crisis, says PwC report

Climate change anxiety is pushing Americans toward collective climate action

New research reveals that while climate anxiety drives many Americans to take action on climate change, those with severe distress may struggle to engage, highlighting the need for mental health support in the fight against environmental threats

Climate Change

A comic about Hurricane Milton and the absurb conspiracy theories it seems to have amplified.

This is worrying - nature's carbon sinks are failing, impacting climate models and emissions targets.
Land and ocean sinks: Land and ocean carbon absorption has collapsed, impacting climate models.
Climate implications: Weakening natural carbon absorption means deeper cuts in emissions are needed to achieve net zero.
Global impact: Countries like Finland and Australia are struggling to meet climate targets due to carbon sink declines.

En volume, 80% du commerce mondial transite par les ports. Actuellement, autour de 80 milliards de dollars de commerce international est expos des perturbations lies aux extrmes climatiques.
Verschuur et al 2023

"Dancing to the end of days
Watching as the world burns down
No legacy left behind"

Burning household in giant incinerators to make electricity is now the dirtiest way the UK generates power, BBC analysis has found.

Nearly half of the rubbish produced in UK homes, including increasing amounts of , is now being incinerated. Scientists warn it is a disaster for the - and some are calling for a ban on new .

15.10.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.


Warm period...

take note
This will be us
Natural sinks of forests & peat were key to Finlands ambitious target to be carbon neutral by 2035. But now, the land has started emitting more greenhouse gases than it stores

Why atmospheric CO2 grew by over 3 ppm last year: plants and trees on land absorbed much less of the CO2 we emitted than usual. In areas suffering from extreme heat, they actually released carbon, incl. emissions from the massive forest fires in Canada.

Michael Oppenheimer and Stefan Rahmstorf How Close is Climate to a Tip...

Discussions at the World Health Summit in Berlin this week have rightly emphasized the role of health workers, especially those directly serving local communities.

Health workers stand at the intersection of climate change and community health.

They are first-hand eyewitnesses and the first line of defense against the impacts of climate on health.

There is real horror in the climate impacts on health they describe.

Read the Health Worker Eyewitness reports and .

There is also real hope in the local solutions and strategies they are already implementing to help communities survive such impacts, most often without support from their government or from the global community.

There is no alternative to the health workforce as the ones most likely to drive effective adaptation strategies and build trust when it comes to climate change and health.

Their unique value stems from several key factors:

  1. Firsthand experience: Health workers witness the direct and indirect health impacts of climate change daily, providing valuable insights.
  2. Community trust: As respected figures in their communities, health workers can effectively communicate climate-health risks and promote adaptive behaviors.
  3. Local knowledge: Their deep understanding of local contexts allows for the development of tailored, culturally appropriate solutions.
  4. Existing infrastructure: Health workers represent an established network that is already having to respond to climate change.

As Dr. Maria Neira from the World Health Organization in June 2024: We need to use our voice, the power of the voice of health, to convince governments to do three things. First, accelerate the transition to clean sources of energy to stop this disaster. Second, to accelerate the transition to sustainable food systems. And third, to accelerate the transition to better planning of urban areas .

However, current global health investments often overlook the potential of health workers.

Furthermore, there is a tendency to see them as instruments to implement national plans and policies and recipients for knowledge about climate change that they are assumed to be lacking.

This fails to recognize the , not just execute plans, in the face of climate change impacts on health.

It also fails to recognize the significance and value of that health workers hold because they are there every day.

A shift in focus could make health workers the most obvious best buy for governments and international funders.

By investing in health workers as agents of change, we can leverage an existing, trusted workforce to rapidly scale up adaptation efforts and rebuild trust in global health initiatives.

One developed by The Geneva Learning Foundation has shown promise in this area, connecting over 60,000 health practitioners across 137 countries and reaching frontline government staff working for health in conflict zones and other challenging contexts.

This approach not only maximizes the impact of climate-health investments but also strengthens health systems overall, creating a win-win scenario for global health and climate resilience.

Image: The Geneva Learning Foundation Collection 2024

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Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary

Compromises were made, but I think that's the way we also move forward with addressing climate change. Dealing with renewable green energy is not always easy. - Violet Sage Walker, chairwoman of the Northern Tribal Council, who led the campaign for the sanctuary.

What happens to the world if forests stop absorbing carbon Ask Finland Finland The Guardian

Jason Hickel: Why a Liberated Palestine Threatens Global Capitalism

"A Liberated Palestine means a Liberated Middle East. A liberated Middle East means capitalism in the core really faces a crisis, and they will not let that happen. ...

The ecological crisis represents processes of colonization and appropriation, and also is a disaster playing out along colonial lines."

The fight to preserve two nations water supply.

Energy Transition Outlook 2024

The authors see some developments speeding up the energy transition and others slowing it down. The massive shift to renewables is unstoppable, but too slow to meet global climate goals.

, ,

How do solar railways work Startup gets green light for pilot project in Switzerland.

Swiss start-up Sun-Ways has been given the green light for a three-year pilot project in the western canton of Neuchtel, with work to begin in spring 2025.

the initiative will focus on regenerative techniques and farm productivity in , , and
Milestones outlined in the initiative include training more than 35,000 small producers in regenerative practices while also increasing yields by 25%, reducing carbon and increasing household incomes by an average of 25%

A top energy strategist is optimistic about climate change. And he has the data to back that up

The Disasterology newsletter is a 10/10 must read for me on understanding latest disasters from a professional emergency management POV and the latest installment did not disappoint. Essential reading for anyone interested in

I'm interrupting my hashtag games to address the lead-off began her show with--you know, the business about the voter's vote as a business decision. She ticked off all of Trump's business failures and all of Biden's successes in market terms, but she left out the profiteering part of Bidenomics attached to Israel's war and Russia's war against Ukraine.

Biden was correct to point out that those billions approved for the defense of Ukraine and now Israel is money going to our own military industry. But they're also responsible for dumping pollution into the air.

CBC it's time to step up to provide the reporting we need on the Climate Crisis: CBC Expands Climate Coverage, Ducks Role of Climate Emergency Broadcaster

Keurig blasted with $1.5 million fine after false claims about products here's why this matters.

The SEC's ruling is one step toward holding Keurig accountable for its misleading claims.

and are , both by and the they .

Thousands of and have been , , , and the past .

Irregular power supply, floods caused by climate change Shettima

Climate change gave significant boost to Milton's destructive rain, winds, scientists say

Scientists say human-caused climate change intensified deadly Hurricane Miltons rainfall by 20 to 30% and strengthened its winds by about 10%

is than in terms of .

Four-metre great white shark spotted in 'weirdly fantastic' sighting in WA's north
By Charlie Mills and Jessica Shackleton

An angler's close encounter with a 4-metre shark near the popular tourist town of Exmouth in Western Australia has created a flurry of excitement online.

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, AMOC, ocean current moves tropical salt water northward across the Atlantic Ocean. This warm water moderates the climate of northwest Europe.

With climate change the AMOC could weaken & effects felt as soon as 2050. This would mean all the areas currently warmed would cool: shifting current climates southward.

Predicting this is complicated, but it's a question of "when", not "if".

You can read more about Chloe's work with the Northeastern Creative Climate Lab here:

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