: currents regulate global climate, helping
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: currents regulate global climate, helping to counteract the uneven distribution of solar radiation reaching Earth's surface. Without currents in the ocean, regional temperatures would be more extreme.

However is impacting the ocean current and this may disrupt climate across the globe.

Inuit polar bear hunters in Greenland are on thin ice as global warming and hunting quotas threaten their way of life.

'He cited a WFP project in Niger in which local women had created micro-dams in arid land to slow the movement of water, then used dung and straw to create a basin in which trees could be planted. The trees created shade from the sun, allowing the women to grow fruit and vegetables. Suddenly, within the space of three to five years, the place that was really a desert comes back as agricultural production land without artificial irrigation, he said.'

Technology will not save us from and . Literally slowing things down can save us, though.

Another day another heat warning.

6:00a.m Humidex 91F / 32.7C

High temp today with humidex 106F / 41.1C

Once again I am providing a gift link to how to beat the heat also with tips for those without air conditioning.

Heat Stoke symptoms are in the article

How to Stay Cool And Safe In a Heat Wave: from the NYT

Please Boost-Thank you.

Lahore Fly Jinnah Pilot Falls Ill Mid-flight, Cabin Crew Dies

creates more jobs than animal agriculture. It also mitigates & enhances


Translation: 550 crazy people die while going in circles in 50C temperature.

is not the only issue with this unhealthy, cruel & polluting exploitation of

Water shortage in

(Not shaving but luckily not using both sides of the toilet paper yet!)

As the looms, 'A Prince Receives a (Rationed) Water Jug from a Young Woman at a Well' in this c1745 CE from now at Harvart USA

As climate change ushers in more extreme weather worldwide, urgent improvements are needed in safety plans to protect attendees at outdoor events.

Green Our Planet

From the vault We sat down with artist, filmmaker, and writer Arjuna Neuman to talk about planetary body horror, wind, clouds, blues, tenderness, and the not so evident autobiographical threads in their films.

Arjuna Neuman has been working in tandem with philosopher Denise Ferreira da Silva since 2016. The result of their collaboration is an ongoing series of films and installations that merge poetics and critical theory.

If anything strange is happening to your plants, it could be waterlogging. Article in Dutch on how trees in the woods all over NL are showing signs of stress, ie leaves browning at the margins. I mentioned before how both my quinces have suffered badly, now my neighbour's kiwi has yellow leaves (not to be explained otherwise) and this morning I found random dead branches of Symphoricarpos

And what should be the dominant topic, the massive disruption and risks posed by anthropogenic , gets barely a mention.

The APClimate account on Twix posted this reporting about a study on in US movies
Less than 10% of the 250 movies selected had something to do with CC. In one movie, a character is depicted as "energy conscious" which passes the study authors' criteria.
In another movie, a single line said by one character makes the movie pass: "I don't care if the oceans rise."

One wonders how the authors determined whether such minute details make the movie pass or not. Did they do word searches within the subtitles And for stuff like "being depicted as energy-conscious", ie not subtitle-related, they referred to their personal memory
Not criticising, just wondering.
Nice article by AP.

I've heard this explained as simply a decoy to allow the continuation of coal being burned to generate electricity in instead of investing in the immediate transformation to renewables (solar, wind, hydro) to have any chance of addressing

A new report backed by climate scientists and athletes warned Tuesday about the dangers posed by extreme high temperatures at this year's Paris Olympics.

New blog post. Residual emissions are carbon emissions that are difficult or impossible to (fully) eliminate due to technological or other limitations. Estimates and calculations in this post estimate residual emissions at 36% of current total emissions.


David P. Shrag (Harvard University) says in his plenary sesssion that behavioural changes are unlikely to combat climate change, but we need technological changes. The largest behavioural change we experienced, the Covid-19 pandemic, caused only 5-6% of decrease in CO2 emissions.

Reports of mass deaths at the Hajj are horrific. I fear global warming might make the Hajj unviable when it falls in the summer, if it hasn't already made Saudi Arabia uninhabitable.

The Coalition's announced its much-anticipated nuclear power policy but there was one thorny detail missing: the cost
By Tim Leslie and Jane Norman

The Coalition has put its cards on the table, unveiling its plan to build nuclear plants to secure Australia's energy future. But one thing was missing what will it cost


The British tabloid The Mirror reported that the UK would be hit by a 48-hour heatwave of 26 degrees Celsius. This left Indians, reeling under a severe heatwave of above 40 degrees Celsius, gobsmacked.

How did the English stay here and rule us for 200 years, asked many on social media platforms.

Breaking News: The EU drafts a plan to exempt long-haul flights from new emissions rules after international carriers lobby for an opt-out.

The proposal delays non-CO2 emissions reporting for international flights until 2027, focusing on flights within Europe.

The aviation industry is divided, with IATA advocating for voluntary monitoring, while Ryanair and Easyjet push for comprehensive inclusion.

Not sure why this message is not being amplified more:

"Once it reaches the atmosphere, methanes super heat-trapping properties render it a major agent of warming. Over 20 years, methane causes 85 times more warming than the same amount of carbon dioxide. But methane doesnt stay in the atmosphere for long, so stopping methane leaks today can have a fast impact on lowering global temperatures."

4c at the end of June "Just natural weather fluctuations" me arse!

Nella Sicilia senzacqua con le capre che bevono nelle pozze di fango. E anche i turisti fuggono

Vegansk for

19.06.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

How do fossil fuel billionaires get away with HEAT WAVE MURDERS Follow the money!

Seaweed forests an overlooked component of oceanic carbon storage

A study reveals seaweed forests are crucial for oceanic carbon storage, transporting 10 to 170 million tonnes of carbon annually to deep ocean sinks. These findings highlight the importance of protecting and restoring seaweed forests, as they play a vital role in climate change mitigation and biodiversity.

via university-of-western-australia

I was just curious because I have a small eco project on my own land here in Bulgaria. (Mine very different from your vision.)
From how you describe your vision, it will need to be local to you, so you can apply local knowledge, arouse local interest, rally local volunteers, attract local funding.
So definitely Arizona, probably near you.
Make 'drought-proof ' the focus. This will ensure feasibility & funding potential.

So much for "You just have to acclimatise to the heat," (Which any thinking person knows is rubbish).

Predicable impact of

Insurance premiums increasingly unaffordable for people living in disaster-prone areas. Many households on low incomes are priced out of the insurance market entirely. This contributes to a disaster-induced poverty cycle.

Inaccessible information on natural hazard risk: People are unable to find out what level of extreme weather risk their homes face now and in the future. Inconsistent and unavailable information is preventing people from making empowered decisions about how to protect themselves and their home.

Whoa, the U.S. Senate just passed the ADVANCE Act with overwhelming bipartisan support (88-2). This bill focuses on boosting nuclear energy.

"ADVANCE Act will become the law of the land and lay the foundation for the safe and successful deployment of the next generation of advanced reactors in the coming decades"

This is great news. To reach zero emissions, nuclear energy has to be part of the mix. It can't all be done with solar, wind and batteries.

Is the Gulf Stream approaching a tipping point

Just finished , a Norwegian political thriller about climate change and the extremes people are driven to until theyre no longer sure whats right. Season 1s depiction of a leader who refuses to respond to force with escalating masculine posturing is something TV hardly ever gives us. And it gets complicated in the best way with no easy answers. Rushed final season though disappointing. But still, great TV.

The weather is no longer an even roll of the dice, with unpredictable extreme weather events becoming more common.

have 2 windows on north side need replacement but all else double with reflective glass. Glad theyre on the north shady side. In deserts learn quick. panel overproduction means AC free.

Die Abschiebe-Debatte der Innenminister #Councilpresidency #Germanpolitics #Climatechange #DerPodcast #Insurance #Migration #Playbook #Politics

I've found at least the social media people at (US) National Weather Service to be super-ableist. So while this site is in pilot, screenreader users might want to take NWS at their word and give them feedback on how accessibly designed this is...

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks