" - deniers don't deny any
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" - deniers don't deny any more"

In a landmark Judgemnt and following ECHR ruling yesterday, Indias Supreme Court rules that impacts the constitutional guarantee of the right to life, emphasising that the country must prioritise renewable energy as citizens have a right to be free from the adverse effects of the climate emergency.

: Today's North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly is 0.99C above the 1982-2011 mean.

Data source:

It's raining again, will be most of the day. Yesterday had a hairy drive to Hexham via Allendale, never seen so much water in the hills and fields and on the road out of Allendale. Wipers could hardly cope with water thrown up off road for a stretch. It's not just poor drainage, OK some drains might have been blocked but this is different.

A warmer atmosphere holds more moisture and it has to come out as rain. Simple really.

As snow falls on Antarctica, layers build up and turn to ice. Over time, this compressed snow has become a continent-sized glacier, or ice sheet. It's enormousalmost double the size of Australia and far larger than the continental United States...

"AI may develop a huge carbon footprint, but it could also be a critical ally in the fight against climate change"

It's keeps being hot here.

"March 2024 was warmer globally than any previous March in the data record, with an average ERA5 surface air temperature of 14.14C, 0.73C above the 1991-2020 average for March"

Cool, uses existing infrastructure and close to where its needed too

Impact of climate change on marine life much bigger than previously known

Fish and invertebrate animals are far more affected by warmer and more acidic seawater than was previously known. This is the conclusion of a study co-led by NIOZ marine biologist Katharina Alter, based on a new analysis method

Peer-Reviewed Publication
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

European Court of (ECHR) ruling backs Swiss women in case

ECHR ruled climate change violates right to respect for ones private & family life

Case by an association of Swiss women concerned about impact of claiming Swiss government is not taking enough action

The ruled 16 to 1 the (Swiss Elders for Climate Protection) were subject to violation of Article 8 & Article 6

Landmark court ruling finds Switzerland failed its citizens on climate change

Europes top human rights court has ruled that the Swiss government had violated the human rights of its citizens by failing to do enough to combat climate change, in a decision that will set a precedent for future climate lawsuits.

Grce aux anes pour le climat ( ), la Suisse est condamne pour inaction climatique par la Cour europenne des droits humains !

Plus de dtails ce soir sur Forum 18h...

Bart van den Hurk, Co-chair IPCCCH
Working Group II & coordinator , during II on 26 March 2024: "We as scientists must show more empathy, because addressing entails redistributing and within society, understanding the need for compensating those bearing the costs.

European court rules human rights violated by climate inaction

A group of older Swiss women have won the first ever case victory in the of .

The women, mostly in their 70s, said that their age and gender made them particularly vulnerable to the effects of heatwaves linked to .

The court said Switzerland's efforts to meet its emission reduction targets had been woefully inadequate.

It is the first time the powerful court has ruled on .

The ruling is binding and can trickle down to influence the law in 46 countries in Europe including the UK.

Europe Rules That Insufficient Climate Change Action Is a Human Rights Violation

Wonder if the UK government will accelerate it's rather worrying plans to block the ECHR

s Quiet on Earths Life-Sustaining : Medium

How Features Can Change Team : HBR

Seven Hard Truths about the : Misc

Check our latest

Odonata is an Australian Environmental Organisation that is saving endangered animals and regenerating landscapes, while increasing profitability for landholders.

Since its inception, Odonata has protected over 49,000ha of habitat, engaged with 7 First Nations groups, worked with hundreds of businesses, farms, entrepreneurs and citizen scientists. It manages programs for multiple threatened species and has been instrumental in changing the extinction trajectory of both the Eastern Quoll and the Southern Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby. Their work has down-listed the Eastern Barred Bandicoot from extinct in the wild to endangered, and they have also established Australias leading Bush Stone-curlew breeding program. All of this is an incredible feat in itself but their work goes far beyond this.

Odonatas solutions are designed to halt and reverse extinction rates for key mammals, while building better landscapes where they can thrive in the future. Sustainable finance and innovation are also a big part of how they find new solutions. Bold business leaders, landholders, philanthropists and investors are key to them realising their vision. As well as using next generation technology and digital evolution to supporting their work.

What I find most interesting is the impact the Eastern Barred Bandicoot has on landscape regeneration. Working as soil engineers they massively improve soil quality and moisture retention. Odonata now has a project where the Eastern Barred Bandicoot has been released onto sheep grazing land to improve soil quality and land productivity. The net effect is reduced pesticides, fertilisers and the encouraging of native grasses to regenerate. This species, brought back from the brink, is now helping farmers produce better quality wool. The aim is to replicate this across many more properties in Victoria and to one day join them all up.

Odonata Foundation: A New SEASON for wildlife

Odonatas 30-30-30 STRATEGY aims to establish a sanctuary network and supporting intiatives, scaling to 30 Sanctuaries, halting the extinction of 30 threatened species by the year 2030. Working alongside and in collaboration with Traditional Owners in recognition of their connection to Country and in support of pathways to self-determination, land ownership, and the continuation of knowledge and culture sharing.

Australia faces one of the worlds highest rates of species extinction, largely due to the displacement of Traditional Owners and other impacts of colonisation. This loss significantly impacts the countrys most biodiverse and culturally significant areas. Australia is at a pivotal stage where intervention can still prevent further extinctions. Restoring the land management techniques of First Nations people can help to reverse biodiversity loss and protect identified cultural sites.

There is loads mores stuff on the Odonata website and all the great projects and initiatives they are involved in:

Photos by: Annette Ruzicka Via The Guardian

#Agriculture #Biodiversity #climateChange #Environment #OWGF #Regeneration #Rewilding

I have finished reading Children of Dune. I definitely appreciated it more as an adult.

Im still digesting it, but feel like the important message is that unless we stop destroying our environment and begin thinking in terms of multiple generations then humanity is doomed. And maybe destroy the things that are polluting the environment until they become too costly to operate. Probably avoid dictatorship though.

Interpretations may vary.

What is the 'bonkers' ruling

That governments shouldn't just be allowed unimpeded to keep burning fossil fuels, when it affects public health.

The here are just showing off in public how much of a sham our whole 'democracy' really is, and the whole political class just wants you to shut up and take it, and be allowed to mess up everything without intervention.

Vote once every five years (if we can be bothered even then), and that's you done.

Top Europe court chides Switzerland in landmark climate ruling

President is spending $1trn to fight - dont seem to care, why chart WSJecon

Green Our Planet

**How Fossil Fuel Money Made Climate Change Denial the Word of God**


Indias Supreme Court Expands Right to Life to Include Protection Against Climate Change

Russia, Kazakhstan evacuate over 100,000 people amid worst flooding in decades

Wrmster Mrz seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen

Are phenological shifts in response to warming in a direction favored by selection Zettlemoyer et al. find that phenological shifts track an optimum of earlier flowering, yet are insufficient to maintain fitness under climate change. Read now!

Adelaide is losing 75,000 trees a year. Tree-removal laws must be tightened if we want our cities to be liveable and green

and power have surged wildly in the US over the last decade

"Nearly a quarter of the nations grid now runs on ... power has declined sharply, and the use of to generate electricity has all but leveled off... Solars growth was driven by tax credits that extended in 2015 and expanded through the Inflation Reduction Act, or "

Do you care about human rights

"The women, mostly in their 70s, said that their age and gender made them particularly vulnerable to the effects of heatwaves linked to climate change. ... The court said Switzerland's efforts to meet its emission reduction targets had been woefully inadequate."

Usually in mid April I get the first whiff of the Confederate star jasmine plants around our neighborhood, including the one I planted in my front yard to climb a telephone pole 9 years ago.

April 4, 2024, was the first day I smelled them this year.

Nigel Farages new party wants net zero to be center stage at UK general election #EnergyandClimateUK #Climatechange #Costofliving #Immigration #Referendum #Elections #Emissions #Netzero #Brexit #Carbon #Growth #Policy #UKIP #UK

In a bit of good news, a landmark case was ruled on today:

Swiss women win landmark climate case at Europe top human rights court

A guide to residential energy storage and rooftop solar: State net metering policies and utility rate tariff structures

This paper is intended to provide a guide to households considering renewable adoption by discussing relevant factors that influence renewable system performance and payback, summarized in a state lookup table for quick reference.

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2035 and Beyond. Reconductoring With Advanced Conductors Can Accelerate the Rapid Transmission Expansion Required for a Clean Grid

The authors combine the latest energy cost data with state-of-the-art grid modeling to quantify three key elements: the cost of reconductoring with advanced conductors the associated gains in transmission capacity and the associated contribution to meeting transmission needs by 2035.

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Alarming concern: Antarctica experiences unprecedented warming, with temperatures soaring 101.3F (38.5C) above seasonal averages due to human-induced greenhouse gases.

We also see how are increasingly used to make better decisions with digital twins of cities, spaces, traditional/vertical farms, supply chain graphs, and even the whole planet. This is where in DigitalTwins comes into play to bring direct and indirect monitoring to understanding the impact, through causal digital twins of new technologies, policy decisions, regulatory changes This is especially important for mitigation


Rezoning is good for the , & even TAXES. Tell city council we need to get this done on April 22nd

Finally, Rob Tiffany was to join us for a discussion of continuing the part of the discussion, extending into the area of and bringing the impact of the current into the discussion. Unfortunately, it had gotten to about 2 in the morning where Rob was. We did discuss his work for and indeed and can all aid in our response to 8/16

Were cooking ourselves.

No one wants to face up to it.

Convenience and all our consumer shit are more important.

For now.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks