On average each person in the World is responsible for generating 1.06 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide each year.

♦ Reduce Global Warming
♦ Increase Biodiversity
♦ Protect Endangered Species
We can do this by planting the right trees in the right places.
Over the last 100 years mankind has been adding huge amounts of Carbon Dioxide to the atmosphere.
Carbon Dioxide is known as a �Greenhouse Gas� because it raises the temperature of our planet by trapping the Sun�s rays.

The most practical and effective method to fight Climate Change is to plant trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen. Trees provide habitat for many thousands of other plants and animals.
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Where do we plant our trees? Currently we only plant in selected areas of Australia. Of course we only plant on land that has been previously cleared for some other reason. We look for areas where native wildlife needs more habitat.
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There are several ways you can fight Climate Change …
♦ Plant Trees
♦ Travel Less
♦ Buy Local
♦ Renewable Energy